Leading Complex & Troubled Projects

Many organizations face the challenge of leading complex projects, especially with the constant complications that organizations face due to market conditions or changing external conditions, the multiplicity of project stakeholders and continuous administrative changes.

This program is designed to increase the trainee's ability to lead this type of project by focusing on identifying the causes of stumbling and complexity in projects and the best ways to deal with them.

  • Reasons for failure of projects.
  • Preventing project failures.
  • Analysis of the current status of projects.
  • Develop a charter take back control
  •  Develop an evaluation strategy to take back control of the project.
  •  Implement assessment and take back control
  • Restore sponsorship for the project.
  • Re-gaining the trust of stakeholders.
  • involved participation.
  • Communication and negotiation skills.
  • Achieving quick successes.

At the end of this program, trainees will be able to:

  • • Determining the main reasons for the failure and complexity of projects.
  • Restore control of stalled projects.
  • Project managers
  • Program and portfolio managers
  • Project management offices
  • Managers and heads of departments

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